Soutěže na Facebooku smějí probíhat pouze v rámci Facebook Aplikace. Stále platí, že žádný z prvků Facebooku se v soutěži nesmí objevit, jediné co lze požadovat je aby se účastník stal fanouškem stránky. Nově je zmíněn přímo i zákaz použití Like prvků. Soutěž je pro Facebook cokoliv nabízející věcné či finanční odměny a založené na schopnostech, stejně tak jako cokoliv s náhodným výběrem výherce.
Facebook v květnu zveřejnil novou podobu Promotions Guidelines – nepřináší v podstatě nic nového, pouze vyjasňuje některé maličkosti, které předtím nebyly zcela jasné. Co všechno byste tedy měli vědět :
- Promotions Guidelines se týkají komunikace a správy jakékoliv soutěže i loterie (losovačky) či podobných aktivit na Facebooku
- Jako pořadatel zodpovídáte za dodržení odpovídajících právních norem a požadavků
- Soutěže je možné pořádat (spravovat) pouze uvnitř Facebook Aplikací (ať už přímo nebo v Aplikace zahrnuté do Facebook Page)
- Pořádáte-li soutěž, musíte v pravidlech vyloučit zodpovědnost Facebooku. Ve vlastním zájmu by tak mělo být učiněno souhlasem účastníka v rámci odsouhlasení pravidel
- V soutěžním mechanismu nesmíte použít žádnou funkčnost Facebooku – platí to pro registraci a platí to pro mechanismus vstupu do soutěže, stále platí tedy i to, že stávající fanoušci Page není možné automaticky zahrnuti do soutěžení
- V soutěžním mechanismu nesmíte použít žádnou funkčnost Facebook v rámci soutěžení – stále platí, že nelze hlasovat pomocí Like, není dovolena nahrávat fotky, není dovolena přes Facebook přijímat statusy
- V soutěžením mechanismu můžete použít akt stání se fanouškem Stránky, nově můžete využít i check-in v rámci Facebook Places a jmenováno je i připojení se k vaší aplikaci
- Nově je jasně řečeno, že nesmíte použít ani Like Buttonek jako prostředek hlasování – prostě jasně a definitivně, žádný mechanismus Facebook (s výjimkou fanouškovství stránky a check-in v Places)
- Stále platí, že nesmíte výherce vyrozumět o výhře prostřednictvím Facebooku (Facebook Messages, chat, zpráva na profilu, informace na Facebook Pages) – nadále tedy je nutné kontakty na účastníky sbírat při přihlašování se do soutěže – oslovit je poštou, telefonicky či klasickou poštou: Stejně tak jako nadále platí, že jejich jména nesmí být zveřejněny na Facebooku (na Facebook Page)
Oproti předchozí verzi žádné velké změny – hlavní je vyjasnění zákazu využítí Like/Libí webového prvku a možnost využít v soutěžení Places check-in. Stále je také možné pořádat soutěže kompletně mimo Facebook (tedy na vašich vlastních webových stránkách) a Facebook využít pouze jako reklamní médium, které informuje o pořádání soutěže. V takovém případě si samozřejmě nadále musíte dávat pozor na dodržení pravidel – zejména pravidla o neinformování výherců pomocí Facebooku. A vyvarovat se využití jakýchkoliv mechanismů Facebooku na vašich webových stránkách.
Důležitá poznámka – Promotions Guideline se na vás vztahují i v okamžiku, kdy využijete Facebook pro oznámení o konání soutěže mimo Facebook – ať už na Facebook Page nebo prostřednictívm reklamy. Jasně to říká už první odstavec pravidel (konkrétně „govern yourcommunication about“).
Kompletní znění platných pravidel
Promotions Guidelines
Date of Last Revision: May 11, 2011
These Promotion Guidelines, along with the Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, the Ad Guidelines, the Platform Policies and all other applicable Facebook policies, govern your communication about or administration of any contest, competition, sweepstakes or other similar offering (each, a „promotion“) using Facebook.
If you use Facebook to communicate about or administer a promotion, you are responsible for the lawful operation of that promotion, including the official rules, offer terms and eligibility requirements (e.g., age and residency restrictions), and compliance with regulations governing the promotion and all prizes offered in connection with the promotion (e.g., registration and obtaining necessary regulatory approvals). Please note that compliance with these Guidelines does not constitute the lawfulness of a promotion. Promotions are subject to many regulations and if you are not certain that your promotion complies with applicable law, please consult with an expert.
- Promotions on Facebook must be administered within Apps on, either on a Canvas Page or an app on a Page Tab.
- Promotions on Facebook must include the following:
a. A complete release of Facebook by each entrant or participant.
b. Acknowledgment that the promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook.
c. Disclosure that the participant is providing information to [disclose recipient(s) of information] and not to Facebook.
- You must not use Facebook features or functionality as a promotion’s registration or entry mechanism. For example, the act of liking a Page or checking in to a Place cannot automatically register or enter a promotion participant.
- You must not condition registration or entry upon the user taking any action using any Facebook features or functionality other than liking a Page, checking in to a Place, or connecting to your app. For example, you must not condition registration or entry upon the user liking a Wall post, or commenting or uploading a photo on a Wall.
- You must not use Facebook features or functionality, such as the Like button, as a voting mechanism for a promotion.
- You must not notify winners through Facebook, such as through Facebook messages, chat, or posts on profiles or Pages.
- You may not use Facebook’s name, trademarks, trade names, copyrights, or any other intellectual property in connection with a promotion or mention Facebook in the rules or materials relating to the promotion, except as needed to fulfill your obligations under Section 2.
- Definitions:
a. By “administration” we mean the operation of any element of the promotion, such as collecting entries, conducting a drawing, judging entries, or notifying winners.
b. By “communication” we mean promoting, advertising or referencing a promotion in any way on Facebook, e.g., in ads, on a Page, or in a Wall post.
c. By “contest” or “competition” we mean a promotion that includes a prize of monetary value and a winner determined on the basis of skill (i.e., through judging based on specific criteria).
d. By “sweepstakes” we mean a promotion that includes a prize of monetary value and a winner selected on the basis of chance.
Předchozí verze Pravidel – platná od 22. prosince 2009
Facebook Promotions Guidelines
Date of Last Revision: December 22, 2009
These Promotions Guidelines govern the publicizing or administering of any sweepstakes, contest, competition or other similar offering (each, a „promotion“) on Facebook by you. For clarity, a „sweepstakes“ is a promotion that includes a prize and a winner selected on the basis of chance. A „contest“ or „competition“ is a promotion that includes a prize and a winner determined on the basis of skill (i.e., through judging based on specific criteria). Publicizing a promotion on Facebook means promoting, advertising or referencing a promotion in any way on Facebook or using any part of the Facebook Platform. This may include, for example, in Facebook advertising inventory, on a Facebook Page, or through a status update. Administering a promotion on Facebook means operating any element of the promotion on Facebook or using any part of the Facebook Platform. This may include, for example, collecting submissions or entries, conducting the drawing, judging winning entries, or notifying winners. By publicizing or administering the promotion in any way on Facebook or using any part of the Facebook Platform, you agree to these Promotions Guidelines.
Section 1. General
1.1 Without limiting any provision set forth herein, you acknowledge and agree that you are responsible for ensuring that any promotion and the administration, advertising, publicizing and fulfillment of such promotion complies with all applicable federal, state, provincial and local laws and applicable regulatory and industry rules, regulations and guidelines.
1.2 You are fully and solely responsible and liable for your promotion, including, without limitation, every element of publicizing or administering a promotion on Facebook or using any part of the Facebook Platform, even if Facebook authorizes a promotion to be publicized or administered on Facebook or using any part of the Facebook Platform.
1.3 You will not in any way use our name, trademarks, trade names, copyrights, or any other of our intellectual property in the rules or any other materials relating to the promotion, without express written consent.
1.4 The promotion and any publicity associated with the promotion must be true and accurate, and cannot mislead, deceive or otherwise misrepresent the prize or any other aspect of the promotion.
Section 2. Prohibitions
You may not publicize or administer a promotion on Facebook if:
2.1 The promotion is open or marketed to individuals who are under the age of 18;
2.2 The promotion is open to individuals who reside in a country embargoed by the United States;
2.3 The promotion, if a sweepstakes, is open to individuals residing in Belgium, Norway, Sweden, or India;
2.4 The promotion’s objective is to promote any of the following product categories: gambling, tobacco, firearms, prescription drugs, or gasoline;
2.5 The prize or any part of the prize includes alcohol, tobacco, dairy, firearms, or prescription drugs; or
2.6 The promotion is a sweepstakes that conditions entry upon the purchase of a product, completion of a lengthy task, or other form of consideration.
Section 3. Administering a Promotion through the Facebook Platform
You may not administer any promotion through Facebook, except that you may administer a promotion through the Facebook Platform with our prior written approval. Such written approval may be obtained only through an account representative at Facebook. If you are already working with an account representative, please contact that representative to begin the approval process. If you do not work with an account representative, you can use this contact form to inquire about working with an account representative. If we provide you such approval, you agree to the following:
3.1 You will only administer the promotion through an application on the Facebook Platform, as directed by us.
3.2 You will only allow users to enter the promotion in the following locations on Facebook:
3.2.1 On the canvas Page of an application on the Facebook Platform.
3.2.2 On an application box in a tab on a Facebook Page.
3.3 You will include the following language in a clear and conspicuous manner adjacent to any promotion entry field: „This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook. You understand that you are providing your information to [recipient(s) of information] and not to Facebook. The information you provide will only be used for [disclose any way that you plan to use the user’s information].“
3.4 You will not mention “Facebook” in the promotion’s rules except in the following ways: (i) „You can enter the Promotion through the [application name] application on the Facebook Platform. You can also find the application on the [tab name] tab on the [Page name] Page on Facebook.“; (ii) to fulfill your obligations under Section 3.7.
3.5 You will designate an individual to act as a primary contact to address any communications from us with respect to the promotion.
3.6 You must submit materials for any promotion you plan on administering through the Facebook Platform to your account representative for our review and approval at least 7 days prior to the start date of such promotion. Promotions not approved in writing within such time period will be deemed unapproved.
3.7 You will include the following provisions within your official rules for the promotion:
3.7.1 Acknowledgement that the promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook.
3.7.2 Complete release for us from each entrant or participant.
3.7.3 Any questions, comments or complaints regarding the promotion will be directed to you, not us.
Section 4. Publicizing a Promotion on Facebook
You do not need our prior written approval if you are publicizing a promotion that is administered completely off of Facebook. However, we may remove any materials relating to the promotion or disable your Page or account if we determine that you violate these Promotions Guidelines, the Statement of Rights and Responsibilities or any other of our policies. If you publicize a promotion in any way on Facebook, in addition to the other terms and conditions contained in these Promotion Guidelines, without limiting your other obligations you agree to the following:
4.1 You will not directly or indirectly indicate that Facebook is a sponsor or administrator of the promotion or mention Facebook in any way in the rules or materials relating to the promotion.
4.2 In the rules of the promotion, or otherwise, you will not condition entry to the promotion upon taking any action on Facebook, for example, updating a status, posting on a profile or Page, or uploading a photo. You may, however, condition entry to the promotion upon becoming a fan of a Page.
Section 5. Indemnification
You will indemnify and hold us harmless from and against all damages, losses, and expenses of any kind (including reasonable legal fees and costs) for any claim related to the promotion including without limitation the publicity or administration thereof.
Section 6. Facebook Rights
6.1 We may modify these Promotion Guidelines at any time without notice to you. You will subject to the most current version of these Promotion Guidelines then in effect.
6.2 All decisions regarding promotions on Facebook or using the Facebook Platform shall be determined by us in our sole discretion.
6.3 We reserve the right to review promotion rules and promotional copy at anytime but is under no obligation to do so. Our approval of rules or materials related to the promotion does not relieve you of any obligations in these Promotions Guidelines.
6.4 We may remove any materials related to a promotion at any time, regardless of whether the promotion was approved, where we determine the continued marketing or administration of such promotion may be unlawful under applicable laws, rules, regulations or guidelines or may cause unreasonable liability for us.
Please Note: You further acknowledge that compliance with these guidelines does not imply compliance with all applicable rules, regulations and laws. You are responsible for compliance with the foregoing and obtaining necessary counsel in connection therewith. In the event these Promotions Guidelines are inconsistent with the terms of the Facebook Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, the terms of the Promotions Guidelines will control.
Below we have provided a few examples to help you understand how to apply Section 3 of the Promotion Guidelines:
You cannot: Condition entry in the promotion upon a user providing content on Facebook, such as making a post on a profile or Page, status comment or photo upload.
You can: Use a third party application to condition entry to the promotion upon a user providing content. For example, you may administer a photo contest whereby a user uploads a photo through a third-party application to enter the contest.
You cannot: Administer a promotion that users automatically enter by becoming a fan of your Page.
You can: Only allow fans of your Page to access the tab that contains the third-party application for the promotion.
You cannot: Notify winners through Facebook, such as through Facebook messages, chat, or posts on profiles or Pages.
You can: Collect an address or email through the third-party application for the promotion in order to contact the winner by email or standard mail.
You cannot: Instruct people (in the rules or elsewhere) to sign up for a Facebook account before they enter the promotion.
You can: Instruct users to visit the third-party application to enter the promotion (as described in Section 3.4(i)). Since users must have a Facebook account in order to access an application on the Facebook Platform, if you give this instruction, they will be prompted to sign up for a Facebook account if they do not already have one.