Microsoft si chce patentovat „fanoušky“

facebook-zuckerberg-open-graphPatent s příznačným názvem „One-Way Patent Relationships“ u USPTO vcelku klasickým patentově-právním slovníkem popisuje mechanismus Facebook Pages. Podávající je Microsoft.

Techniques are described to establish one-way public relationships. In an implementation, a control is exposed that is operable to become a fan of an object within a social networking page. Responsive to operation of the control, data may be stored to establish a one-way public relationship between a user and the selected object. By establishing a one-way public relationship rather than a mutual friend relationship, the object and/or a corresponding owner of the object is not included in the user’s social network and is not provided access to the user’s profile, status, or other personal information. The one-way public relationship may be employed by a service provider to serve content related to the object to the user. The one-way public relationships may also be employed by the service provider to push status updates regarding the object to „fans“ of the object.

Pokud jste „fanoušky“ (nyní již lajkami) nějaké té Facebook Stránky (Page), tak je vám asi jasné, že tento dlouhý popis perfektně odpovídá tomu, jak Facebook Page funguje. A pokud jste ještě na pochybách, patentová přihláška obsahuje ještě řadu detailů. Včetně následujícího praktického příkladu.

When Steve clicks on the „Add“ button, a relation module operates to establish a social networking relationship between Steve and „U2“. In at least some embodiments, the control is operable by a single-click to establish a one-way public relationship between Steve and „U2“. For instance, a one-way public relationship may be established using accounts with the service provider corresponding to Steve and/or „U2“. Based on this relationship, Steve may be able to post on „U2’s“ profile page, and obtain content and/or status updates related to „U2“ based on the one-way public relationship. The one-way public relationship may also be employed by the service provider to serve content and/or ads related to „U2“ to Steve’s account across various services. The one-way public relationship may further be employed by the service provider to push status updates for „U2“ to Steve’s account. A mutual friend relationship is not established between Steve and „U2“ in this instance. Accordingly, „U2“ is not provided reciprocal access to Steve’s social network and related information and is not added to Steve’s contacts.

Microsoft přihlášku podal v červenci 2009. Facebook své Pages uvedl do chodu v listopadu 2007. Včetně původního „Become a Fan“ knoflíku, který se mezitím proměnil na „Like“. A jakkoliv je Microsoft minoritním investorem, v patentové přihlášce o Facebooku nenajdete ani slovo.