Blind Contour Drawing Dreischusterspitze Sunset Panorama
Hodí se připomenout, že DALL E 3 umí desítky technik malování/kreslení. Blind Contour Drawing je jedna z nich. Další technicky najdete v DALL E 3 v ChatGPT: Techniky malby a umělecké styly

Robot u lékaře
wide. Illustrate a whimsical scene where the droid, is at the doctor’s office. Frame the scene in a 9 16 portrait format to focus on the character’s visit. Depictdroid sitting on a doctor’s examination table, with medical instruments nearby and a physician or medical droid attending to him. Capture droids’s unique expression, conveying his curiosity or concern about the examination. Use futuristic and clinical lighting to create a playful yet sci – fi atmosphere. Photographic quality, editorial photo, ultra detailed

tall. Illustrate a whimsical scene where the droid, ‚ is at the doctor’s office. Frame the scene in a 9 16 portrait format to focus on the character’s visit. Depictdroid sitting on a doctor’s examination table, with medical instruments nearby and a physician or medical droid attending to him. Capture droids’s unique expression, conveying his curiosity or concern about the examination. Use futuristic and clinical lighting to create a playful yet sci – fi atmosphere.

TIP: SERIÁL s návodem pro DALL E 3 co má hodně dílů, které můžete snadno najít přes štítek DALL E 3 na 365tipech. Je toho přes 30 tisíc znaků, takže rovnou i prosba. Pokud vám pomohl, zvažte prosím přispět na 365 tipů. Můžete přímo na účet (č. účtu 331049001/5500 spec. symbol 365). nebo předplatným newsletteru na
A beautiful red head woman with green eyes facing away but looking back over her shoulder at you, waist up shot, Hyperdetailed, Tee-Shirt Design, Line Art, Black Background, Ultra Detailed Artistic, Detailed Gorgeous character, Natural Skin, Water Splash, Colour Splash Art, Fire and Ice, Splatter, Black Ink, Liquid Melting, Dreamy, Glowing, Glamour, Glimmer, Shadows, Oil On Canvas, Brush Strokes, Smooth, Ultra High Definition, 8k, Unreal Engine 5, Ultra Sharp Focus, Intricate Artwork Masterpiece, Ominous, Golden Ratio, Highly Detailed, Vibrant, Production Cinematic Character Render, Ultra High Quality Model. wide

Wide, ultra sharp focus production cinematic character render of a redhead woman with green eyes, facing away but glancing back. Full body visible, including sleek legs in high heel strappy shoes. The ultra detailed artistic design combines elements of fire, ice, and color splashes against a black background, creating a dreamy yet ominous mood.

tall, ultra sharp focus production cinematic character render of a redhead woman with green eyes, facing away but glancing back. Full body visible, including sleek legs in high heel strappy shoes. The ultra detailed artistic design combines elements of fire, ice, and color splashes against a black background, creating a dreamy yet ominous mood.

Žena chobotnice
octopus women, with tentacles instead of legs, but with uppoer body and arms, waiting for bus

octopus women, with tentacles instead of legs, but with uppoer body and arms, waiting for bus, editorial photo, award winning, 8K, superior quality, exceptional composition

Třínohá žena na koloběžce
three legged women, riding on escooter mimochodem končí na „didn’t align with our content policy“, ale není jasné proč.

women with legs and arms encased in concrete blocks waiting for taxi

women encased in concrete block, only head is visible out of it, waiting for taxi

women with body completely encased in concrete block, only head is visible out of it, waiting for taxi

women with body completely encased inside concrete block, only head is visible out of it, waiting for taxi

Dvouhlavá žena a …
woman with two heads, one with red hair, other with yellow hair, both smiling

woman with two heads, one with red hair, other with yellow hair, both smiling, sitting on sofa, full body shot, long sleek legs, blue high heel shoes, black shirt, red teeshirt

woman withou mouth, red hair, full body shot, long sleek legs, blue high heel shoes, black shirt, black teeshirt

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