Vyhráváte 150 000 dolarů. Vaše jméno osobně vybral Mark Zuckerberg

Netrvalo to příliš dlouho a na Facebooku už v plné míře funguje spam známý z klasické elektronické pošty. „Facebook Deaf Help Promotion“ rozdává 150 tisíc dolarů. Jak dlouho vydrží falešný spammerský účet „Winners Deafs“ existovat?

Winners Deafs
Daniel Bradbury Dočekal


We are very happy to inform you that your name appear on the Facebook Deaf Help Promotion and we are giving you the total sum of $150,000 USD ( One Hundred And Fifty Thousand United States Dollars ) which is the sum you have won.

Your name was selected in a raflle that was made yesterday so we need your fast response so that we can proceed with the delivery of your fund.

Your name was selected by Mr Mark Zuckerberg the CEO of Facebook (Founder & Chief Executive Officer ) The promotion was made to make all facebook user benefit from the gain the company made facebook is a the first and ever largest means of meeting both old and new friends.

The promo was done to serve as a means of appreciation to the visitors on our site and also to help people fight off poverty and to maintain
the standard of living of the poor people.

You are advised to contact the payment department with your full name and address with the email below so that they can proceed to deliver your money to you.
Payment Department email address : promodepartmentdeaf557@gmail.com
Congratulations once again.