Kobo koupeno japonskou společnosti Rakuten

Rakuten dokončil akvizici kanadské společnosti Kobo známé hlavně e-čtečkami Kobo Vox a Kobo Touch. Rakuten Kobo koupil za 315 milionů dolarů a předpokládá se, že Kobo se prostřednictvím Rakutenu dostane na asijské trhy

TORONTO, Jan. 11, 2012 – Global eReading leader Kobo Inc. (“Kobo”) today announced the successful acquisition of all its outstanding shares by Rakuten, Inc. (JASDAQ:4755) (“Rakuten”) for US $315 million. The acquisition has been completed following customary closing conditions, including approval under the Investment Canada Act. Kobo’s management team will remain with the company, which will continue to be headquartered in Toronto.