Vizualizace: Interaktivní mapa Internetu od Peer 1

Map of the Internet 2011 poskytuje netradiční pohled na Internet z hlediska topologie sítě, která Internet vytváří. A která zajišťuje, že během zlomku sekundy můžete získat informace z místa tisíce kilometrů daleko od vás.

The Map of the Internet is a visual representation of all the networks around the world that are interconnected to form the Internet as we know it today. These include small and large Internet service providers (ISPs), Internet exchange points, university networks, and organization networks such as Facebook and Google. The size of the nodes and the thickness of the lines speak to the size of those particular providers and the network connections in relation to one another.

Pokud si budete chtít mapu prohlédnout online, skočte na – a nezapomeňte “zoomovat”.