Bulharský odborník na počítačovou bezpečnost je nezvěstný už několik měsíců. Zdroj v Bulharsku uvádí, že “je naživu, ale ve velkých problémech”
ZDNet, kde Dancho Danchev pravidelně blogoval (poslední zápisek na jeho osobním blogu je ze září 2010, na twitteru z října 2010), se Dancheva pokoušel neúspěšně kontaktovat telefonicky i elektronickou poštou (We need help with the strange disappearance of Dancho Danchev). Danchev přes svým zmizením informoval o snahách bulharské vlády zničit jeho reputaci.
As I consider you as a trusted colleague, and someone who understands the big picture of cyber crime and cyber espionage, I’m attaching you photos of the “current situation in my bathroom”, courtesy of Bulgarian Law enforcement+intell services who’ve been building a case trying to damage my reputation, for 1.5 years due to my clear pro-Western views+the fact that a few months ago, the FBI Attache in Sofia, Bulgaria recommended me as an expert to Bulgarian CERT -> clearly you can see how they say “You’re Welcome”.
I’m sending you these not with the idea to see them published, but as an insurance in case things get ugly, knowing that a trusted third-party has access to these and can always distribute them to [redacted] mailing list members, and pretty much the entire industry, especially the press.
The LEO behind the whole operation: [ NAME REDACTED ]
I’m in a process of contacting journalists -> just in case.
I hope you’re the trusted industry contact that I think you are, and you’ll basically keep these somewhere safe. Thank you, and please use my PGP key.
Best regards
“Připojené fotografie” obsahují něco, co by mohlo být odposlechové zařízení.